Second International Conference on Biodiversity in the Congo Basin

The Second International Conference on Biodiversity in the Congo Basin was held in Kisangani, DRC Congo, from 6 -10 March, 2023. It was organized by the Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences’ (RBINS) CEBioS (Capacities for Biodiversity and Sustainable Development) initiative and the University of Kisangani’s Biodiversity Monitoring Center (CSB). The conference addressed the “Challenges for the Future” of biodiversity through a variety of thematic sessions, including: Taxonomy and the Evolution of Inventories; Bridging the Gap (Capacity Needs, Science-Policy Interface, and Data Mobilization); Ecology and Global Change; and Ecosystem Services and their Valorisation, among others.

About 250 people from Africa, Europe, Australia, and the United States attended the conference, including scientists, conservation practitioners, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), DRC government delegations, and local communities. Further information about the conference may be found on the conference website ( ), as well as in the programme and abstract booklets ( ). CABES was represented by the Central Africa Assistant Coordinator- Dr Paul K. Kazaba.

CABES’ activities at the conference included a presentation, discussions and poster exhibition, as well as a meeting with the IPBES NFP and the implementing political partner institution of the project in DRC. 

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