Regional Biodiversity Platforms

CABES will establish a network of sub-regional and regional Science-Policy-Practitioner platforms to support the implementation of IPBES rolling work programme, its uptake, as well as to foster capacity development activities and intra-continental collaborations. This will be accomplished by strengthening the existing sub-regional platform of West Africa (implemented by WASCAL) and establishing two additional sub-regional platforms in Central and East Africa via the implementing partners – University of Lubumbashi and the Horn of Africa Regional Environment Center and Network, respectively. Specifically, the platforms will:

  • create or extend direct links to the CABES national platforms, the sub-regional platforms and IPBES to provide knowledge about ongoing IPBES activities and related products, and present ways of engaging with IPBES,
  • facilitate the exchange of experience and lessons learned from the different national contexts of the platform members in their daily work regarding the uptake of IPBES products into national policies.

The regional and sub-regional Science-Policy-Practitioner (SPPIs) platforms will implement several relevant activities, including:

Stakeholder/network analyses:  relevant stakeholders at the (sub)regional levels from biodiversity-related fields will be identified and invited to participate. These include scientists, policymakers, practitioners, the private sector (including individuals from extractive industries, agricultural industries, fisheries, SMEs dealing with the green economy & nature-based solutions amongst others), non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and indigenous and local knowledge (ILK) holders in the field of biodiversity and ecosystem services.

Organisation of regional and sub-regional workshops: Periodic workshops will be held to bring together stakeholders from the three target sub-regions of West, Central, and East Africa. The workshops will raise awareness of IPBES activities, strengthen stakeholders’ capacities to participate in IPBES processes, and promote networking and cross-sector collaborations. This will be supplemented by regular virtual events.

Mentorship programmes for IPBES memberships: The platforms will provide mentorship to regional stakeholders regarding IPBES membership, domestic adoption of IPBES products, particularly assessments, and participation in IPBES activities.

Delegates’ preparation for IPBES plenaries: The platforms will ensure delegates at sub-regional levels can effectively participate in IPBES plenaries. Training sessions will be organized to prepare delegations prior to each IPBES plenary to help them identify common challenges related to BES in each sub-region and hence allow delegations to speak with one voice.

Experts Mobilization for IPBES calls: The platforms will assist IPBES National Focal Points (NFPs) in identifying and mobilising suitable candidates/experts in response to IPBES calls in each sub-region for nomination as authors to participate in IPBES assessments, its fellowship programmes, and as reviewers.

Figure: Linkages between the CABES national, subregional and regional science-policy-practitioners platforms
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