Rencontrer l'Équipe

The Centre for Development Research (ZEF), University of Bonn, Germany

Dr. Jan Henning SOMMER

Manager de Programme, CABES
Senior Researcher, ZEF, University of Bonn, Germany

Dr. Isimemen OSEMWEGIE

Coordinatrice du Programme, CABES
Senior Researcher, ZEF, University of Bonn, Germany


Assistant coordinatrice de projet,
Budget et administration financière , CABES, ZEF, University of Bonn, Germany

University of Félix Houphouët-Boigny (UFHB), Côte d'Ivoire

Prof. Dr. Souleymane KONATÉ

Coordinator, SPIBES MSc. prog., West Africa Senior Lecturer & Researcher, UFHB, Côte d’Ivoire

Assoc. Prof. N'golo A. KONÉ

Coordinator, SPIBES MSc. prog., West Africa, CABES, Senior Researcher & Lecturer UFHB (African Center of Excellence WASCAL/CCBAD) and University Nangui Abrogoua (UNA)

Dr. Kouakou KOUADIO

Asst. Coordinator, CABES, SPIBES MSc. prog., Côte d’Ivoire Senior Lecturer & Researcher,
UFHB, Côte d’Ivoire

West Africa Science Service Center on Climate Change & Adapted Land Use (WASCAL), Burkina Faso

Dr. Da Sylvestre SIÉ

Coordinator, Regional Experts Platform, CABES Scientist, WASCAL, Burkina Faso

University of Lubumbashi (UNILU), Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

Prof. Dr. Mylor N. SHUTCHA

Coordinator, CABES Experts Platform & SPIBES MSc. prog., Central Africa Director, Research Unit in Ecology, Restoration Ecology & Landscape (EREP), UNILU, DRC

Dr. Paul K. KAZABA

Asst. Coordinator, CABES Experts Platform & SPIBES MSc. prog., Central Africa Lecturer, Research Unit in Ecology, Restoration Ecology & Landscape (EREP), UNILU, DRC

Horn of Africa Regional Environment Centre & Network (HoA-REC&N), Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia

Prof. Dr. Merkuria ARGAW

Coordinator, CABES Experts Platform & SPIBES MSc. prog., East Africa Executive Director, HoA-REC&N Prof., Environmental Science, College of Natural & Computational Sciences, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia

Mr. Mekonnen B. HAKE

Senior Project Officer, CABES Experts Platform & SPIBES MSc. prog., East Africa

UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC), Cambridge, United Kingdom

Dr. Claire BROWN

Coordinator, CABES National BES Platforms, Principal Technical Specialist, UNEP-WCMC, United Kingdom


Project Manager, CABES National BES Platforms, Senior Programme Officer, UNEP-WCMC, United Kingdom

Ms. Justine LANCELIN

Asst. Project Manager, CABES National BES Platforms, Assoc. Programme Officer, UNEP-WCMC, United Kingdom

CoKnow Consulting (Coknow), Germany

Dr. Jennifer HAUCK

Agent Principal de Programme, Programme de développement des capacités de CABES – CCDP pour les professionnels


Gestionnaire e-Learning, Programme de Développement des Capacités de CABES – CCDP pour les professionnels

Mr. Christian TODOTA

Gestionnaire Adjoint e-Learning, Programme de développement des capacités de CABES – CCDP pour les professionnels

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