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As with SPIBES_West and SPIBES_Central Africa, the courses of the SPIBES_East Africa programme are modularised. The details can be found below:

First year (Semester I)

ModuleCourseCourse codeCourse component
General knowledgeInterdisciplinary approach to Environmental ManagementSPBE6111Introduction to Science-Policy-Practise Interface (SPPI)
Fundamental knowledgeClimate, Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services (BES), Transformative change and resilienceSPBE6311I. Concepts of transformative change and resilience
II. Biodiversity & Climate CHange and its effects on ecosystem functioning, ecosystem services, nature’s contributions to people
III. Basic concepts on climate system and climate change
Fundamental knowledgeConcepts on ecology, taxonomy, environmental economy and sociologySPBE6321I. Basic concepts on ecology and introduction to taxonomy
II. Field immersion – Practical data collection in the field
III. Basic concepts on Environmental social science (sociology, anthropolgy, Law/politics)
Fundamental knowledgeEcology of tropical and sub-tropical African ecosystem typesSPBE6331Ecology of tropical and sub-tropical African ecosystem types under changing climatic conditions: natural and managed (arid and semi-arid savannas, rain forests, aquatic, agro-biodiversity, agroforestry and soil)
Methodological knowledgeResearch skills, practice and statistical analysesSPBE 6411I. Data collection and analysis methods in social sciences
II.Statistical analysis, data management and sampling strategies (climate & biodiversity)
III. Introduction to R
IV.Project management, Leadership and Entrepreneurship
V. Fund-raising and Job market preparation (CV and letter of motivation writing, Interview training
Methodological KnowledgeInternship and seminarSPBE 6421Field immersion Practical data collection in the field)

First year (Semester II)

ModuleCourseCourse codeCourse component
Methodological knowledgeScientific writing and communicationSPBE 6412I. An introduction to the field, principles, and concepts of interpersonal and intercultural communication skills
II. Skills in stakeholder engagement, Negotiation, Advocacy and Conflict resolution
III. Ethics and good practices in Science and Gender Mainstreaming
IV.Policy brief writing
General KnowledgeEnvironmental Management and governance for sustainable developmentSPBE 6112I.The concept of sustainable development (history, challenges, opportunities, SDGs, Agenda 2063
II. Biodiversity, ESS, Climate Change Governance International context and their translation into national context
III.Sustainable management and conservation tools (Biodiversity conservation and management strategies, Nature-based Solutions, ecosystem based adaptation)
Methodological knowledgeInterdisciplinary methods and tools in environmental sciencesSPBE 6422I. Valuation of biodiversity and ecosystem services (integrated valuation; natural capital accounting) in the context of climate change
II. Indigenous, local and traditional knowledge and practices in sustainable management.
Fundmental knowledgeModeling in Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (BES) studiesSPBE 6313I. Environmental modeling
II. Understanding of biodiversity, ecosystem services, climate modelling
III. Biodiversity Modelling
Methodological knowledgeMethods and tools to conduct IPBES assessment and apply in national decision making Methods and tools to conduct IPBES assessment and apply in national decision makingSPBE 6432I. Methods and tools to conduct an assessment

II. Using IPBES assessments in national decision making: different case studies
Methodological knowledgeApplication of GIS & Remote Sensing ToolsSPBE 6442Introduction to Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing

Second year (Semester I)

ModuleCourseCourse codeCourse component
Methodological knowledgeInterdisciplinary Scientific Research MethodsSPBE 7411I.Scientific writing
II. Introduction to trans-disciplinary research and knowledge co-production
III. scientific presenting
Specific knowledgeApplied ecology for sustainable development and Environmental planningSPBE 7411I. Application of Landscape Ecology and planning
II. Integration of Ecosystem services concepts to existing initiatives (Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in Africa / cross-sectoral policies
III. Urbanization and sustainable cities in Africa
Methodological knowledgeEnvironmental and social impact assessmentSPBE 7421Environmental and social impact assessment
Master ThesisMSc. thesisSPBE 7001MSc. thesis research

Second year (Semester II)

ModuleCourseCourse codeCourse component
Master ThesisMSc. thesisSPBE 7002MSc. thesis writing and defense

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